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Quality management

Excellent quality management is the top priority at the Clinique Générale, a member of the Swiss Medical Network. Our patients and our registered doctors are the focus of our attention.

quality management

Our quality management is organised according to PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act). This simple method enables us to continually improve our day-to-day actions.

Customer satisfaction, integration into care, patient safety, professionalism, quality of care and indications, and sustainable development are at the heart of this approach.

For more information, you can consult our detailed quality policy here.

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is our primary concern. That is why we continually conduct customer satisfaction assessments throughout our organisation. Both internally and externally.

  • Internal patient satisfaction: After each hospital stay, our patients have the opportunity to complete our internal satisfaction questionnaire. Through direct feedback from our patients, we can improve in real time and on an ongoing basis.
  • Participation in the national patient satisfaction survey with the ANQ (National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics)..
  • We also carry out regular satisfaction surveys among our patients, accredited doctors and partners. 

Integration in Care

The autonomy of our patients is of paramount importance to us and contributes to rapid recovery. That is why our patients are actively involved in their care process. Our Patient Autonomy Recovery Programme (PRAP) offers nursing consultations with personalised support during all stages of hip, knee, or shoulder replacement surgery.

Patient safety

Safe surgery checklist

We use a checklist for safe surgery that complies with WHO international standards. This checklist enables us to put in place a safety mechanism that, among other things, checks the completeness of the preliminary examinations and rules out any serious, avoidable events. Regular checks ensure consistent and correct implementation.


Thanks to the CIRS system (Critical Incident Reported System), we are able to evaluate adverse events on an ongoing basis and learn from them in order to avoid them in the future. CIRS is an anonymous tool that is available to all the clinic's staff and doctors.

Patient Identification

We are making patient treatment even safer with patient identification wristbands. Our doctors and nursing staff in the wars, operating rooms and various examination units need to be able to identify patients securely and unambiguously at all times.


Our employees work on the basis of evidence. This means that their activities are based on the latest scientific research. To ensure that this is the case, our employees receive ongoing internal and external training. We set the same standards for our registered doctors. That is why we carefully select our registered doctors through an accreditation process.

Quality of Indication and results

We are committed to providing quality medical care in accordance with the highest medical standards. To meet this commitment, we participate in national surveys and polls on the quality of care, related to our range of services. In addition to measuring outcomes, we aim to focus on the quality of indication, for example by collecting PROMs (Patient-reported outcomes measures), which include both the appropriateness and necessity of medical interventions.


We are aware that our resources are limited. In the long term, we want to reduce our carbon footprint and make a positive contribution to preserving an intact environment. We use our resources responsibly to ensure the consistently high quality of the care and services we provide. Our Clinique Générale has set up a sustainability unit to ensure that these aims are met, as part of the Clinique Générale’s sustainability programme. We focus on the goals and strategies we have set ourselves in a sustainable way.

Our certifications and affiliations are synonymous with quality


National Association for Quality Development

ANQ's mandate is to define relevant quality indicators, to conduct quality measurements to provide the national comparison and to communicate the measurement results transparently.

The Swiss Medical Network institutions take part in the ANQ surveys every year. The results enable the institutions to compare themselves with hospitals and clinics nationwide and to take targeted measures to improve the patient experience.

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Swissnoso is dedicated to reducing nosocomial infections and multidrug-resistant germs that can occur during a stay or treatment in a hospital. Practicable modules are offered in the area of surveillance and prevention. The Swiss Medical Network institutions continuously monitor possible cases of infection or the long-term course of wound healing and report these to Swissnoso. Useful data for quality control is generated and evaluated from this.

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CIRS - Critical Incident Reporting System

Our CIRS reporting platform is a reporting and learning system that allows the identification of risks or critical events. The system is an essential element of clinical risk management and allows the anonymised reporting of incidents that may occur during different procedures - e.g. during the administration of medication, communication, documentation, the exercise of standard processes or even the use of technical equipment. The goals of CIRS are the proactive handling of critical events, the further development of the hospital's internal safety culture and the increase of patient safety.

SIRIS - Swiss Implant Register

Various registers have been introduced based on the national quality agreement between the ANQ and its member hospitals: the Swiss Hip and Knee Replacement Registry in 2012, the Spine Register in 2021 and SIRIS Shoulder in 2025. The aim of this data collection is to provide patients with the best possible care and to assess the long-term quality of implants and treatments. The results obtained also enable a quality comparison with other hospitals.

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ISO 9001:2015 – Swiss Safety Center (SSC)

Some of our clinics are certified according to this standard, which is widely used and comparable both nationally and internationally. It shows the requirements that have to be implemented with regard to customer needs as well as product and service quality. The standard is thus a proven instrument for increasing the transparency of operational processes and subsequently optimising the efficiency of corporate performance. The annual review by the certification body SSC also ensures continuous and sustainable improvement of the management system.

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In 2007, the national association of hospitals and clinics H+ created a uniform system of standards (REKOLE® stands forRevision of Cost Accounting and Service Recording) for operational accounting in hospitals. In this way, H+ has unified the operational accounting of hospitals and clinics according to common standards throughout the country and created a system that fulfils the legal requirements according to the Health Insurance Act (KVG).

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For the well-being of the patients

At the Clinique Générale, our staff is dedicated to ensuring the quality of our establishment, for both patients and staff.

Care management

The care management team is made up of nurses whose role is to support patients before they are admitted to hospital and to monitor them throughout their stay by means of various visits. The nurses coordinate the care providers throughout the hospital stay.

The care manager and her team provide patients with personalised care tailored to their needs, as well as a reassuring point of reference throughout their stay and even afterwards. They provide both psycho-social and logistical support to those hospitalised, to ensure that their stay is as pleasant as possible.

MSST Coordinator – Health and Safety Medicine

The role of the Occupational Health and Safety Coordinator is to support management, department heads and employees in carrying out their occupational health and safety duties.

Prap: Patient Autonomy Recovery Programme

The Clinique Générale has set up a patient autonomy recovery programme. This programme consists of personalised support during all the stages associated with the implantation of a hip, knee, or shoulder prothesis.

The Clinique Générale’s quality management is organised in such a way as to be able to react quickly to changes in the healthcare sector, in order to go beyond national or cantonal requirements.

Quality Management at the Clinique Générale reports to the extended Executive board. Two people organise quality management in collaboration with the general secretary for medical affairs. Finally, regional managers are available for each Swiss Medical Network clinic in each region, enabling process- and results-oriented work.


Roxanne Müller

Coordination quality