Clinica Ars Medica

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The Clinica Ars Medica is located 7 km north of Lugano. It is the reference centre in Ticino for orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the locomotor apparatus.


Daniela Franco, Clinica Ars Medica Director

Dear patient,

Clinica Ars Medica offers patients access to state-of-the-art medical and surgical techniques, and also provides an orthopaedic emergency room as well as radiology and physiotherapy services.

The patient is provided with highly specialised care in an atmosphere of serenity that combines the latest technology and hotel comfort with personalised attention. Everything is set up and aimed at ensuring a prompt recovery of the patient's mobility.


Our centres

The Clinica Ars Medica offers specialised medical services to regional and international clientele. The prestige of the facility, the training of the medical and nursing staff, and the available technology allow for several renownend multidisciplinary centres within the clinic.

Centro Colonna Vertebrale
Centro dello Sport
Instituto di Radiologia
Pronto soccorso ortopedico e traumatologico

Our specialties

Treatment of spinal injuries and diseases at Swiss Medical Network

Spinal surgery

Athletic man runs on a treadmill under the observation of a sports physiotherapist at the Swiss Medical Network

Sports medicine

Orthopaedic surgery

Medical imaging examination using a CT scanner in a radiology department.


Our doctors

Clinica Sant'Anna

Dr. med. Claudio Ballarati

Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Massimo Barbieri

Pain therapy, Anesthesiology
Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Simone Bertoglio

Orthopaedic surgery, Hip surgery, Knee pain and knee surgery
Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Franco Bidoglio

Sports medicine
Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Bruno Capelli

Sports medicine
Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Maurizio Caporali

Orthopaedic surgery, Knee pain and knee surgery, Hip surgery, Shoulder surgery View more

Opening hours and visits

Visits from family and friends are always welcome

Visiting hours

Monday - Friday 13:00-19:00

Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 10:00-17:00


Reception is open

Monday - Friday: 06:45 - 19:00

Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 09:00 - 17:00

+41 91 611 62 11

Bar restaurant L'incontro

Monday to Friday: 07:30 - 17:00

Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 10:00 - 16:00

6 reviews

Mauro Baggio

Mi sono recato in questa struttura per accompagnare qualcuno a fare delle radiografie in tarda mattinata.Dopo essersi annunciato e recato in radiologia,in piena tempistica…

Morena Ovaiolo

Clinica al top,personale super gentile.medici altamente qualificati. grazie a loro ho ripreso in mano la mia vita.GRAZIE.

Patrizia Galbato

Cosa dire; GRAZIE a tutto il personale , dal momento dell' accettazione, in sala operatoria e a tutti gli infermieri che mi hanno assistito nei 9 giorni di degenza e ai…

Silvia Ruberto

Ringrazio tutto il personale per la professionalità e gentilezza!Infermiere/i che ti dedicano del tempo e ti aiutano in ogni situazione!Carinissimi tutti i nuovi,bravi…

Fabio Bianchi

Sono stato ricoverato 2 giorni per un intervento alla spalla....accoglienza top personale piu che all altezza educati attenti al paziente come in sala operatoria veramente…

Furio Cincio

Ottima struttura. Organizzata e completa. Ambiente soft, perfetto per i pazienti. Parcheggio. Pronto soccorso diurno.


Ticino Welcome - Prostheses can also be revised

La Rivista - Fractured Vertebrae and Vertebroplasty Surgery

RSI - La Cavia

La Consulenza Rete Uno - Dr. med. Marco Marano e Fausto Simonetta

RSI - Siamo fuori

Teleticino (Zoom) - A new robot in the operating room


Medical conference

Dal medico di famiglia allo specialista – Il percorso diagnostico-terapeutico vincente

Become an accredited doctor

Are you interested in an independent medical practice?

Swiss Medical Network is one of Switzerland's two largest private clinic groups.

Present in the country's three language regions, our facilities offer hospital care as well as first-class treatment and services to patients from all over Switzerland and abroad.

More information


GENOLIER PATIENT SERVICES for international patients

More than 25 years of experience in supporting and caring for foreign patients

Find out more about our specific offer for international patients and request your personalised programme today.

Our team is proud to offer services in multiple languages to meet the diverse needs of our international clientele.

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