
Our management is the operational management body that guides the Clinica Ars Medica in these areas and represents its interests externally.

Fabio Rezzonico

Regional Director Ticino
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(* 1965) Fabio Rezzonico studied Business Economics at the University of Neuchâtel. After some work experience abroad, he managed the Regional Employment Office of Lugano, before moving on to manage the Logistics and Buildings Tax Office in Bellinzona and then the Cardiocentro Ticino from 2000. From September 2017 he was General Manager of the Swiss Medical Network in Ticino.

Daniela Franco

Director Clinica Ars Medica
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(* 1980) Daniela Franco graduated in Management Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan. After working as a health consultant specialist for more than 30 private and public facilities, she joined the Ars Medica Hospital Group as Quality Manager in 2011. Having worked as Project Manager at the Swiss Medical Network Group from 2013, she was appointed Deputy Director of the Ars Medica Clinic in April 2018.

Antonio Sansossio

Head of Marketing, Communication & Events
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(* 1974) holds a degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Italian Switzerland. He possesses extensive language skills, as well as various specialisations in management and marketing. He has significant work experience: he began his career in marketing at Casino Lugano and later at the multinational BiC, becoming head of the Swiss subsidiary. At Swiss Medical Network, he manages marketing and communication projects and coordinates events. He has a solid administrative knowledge base, having completed a commercial apprenticeship at Cornèr Bank.

Medical Director

Clinica Ars Medica

Dr. med. Nicholas Bonello
