For the first time in Switzerland, the Clinique Valmont is equipped with a visual simulation device for the rehabilitation of paralysed or painful limbs. This brand new innovative rehabilitation device is called IVS3 for Intensive Visual Simulation 3.

For which patients is this therapy intended?

The IVS3 is dedicated to the treatment of patients suffering from stroke, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain (algodystrophy), or phantom limb pain.

How it works

The IVS 3 works like mirror therapy, where a mirror is placed in front of patients in a sagittal fashion with the reflective side on the healthy side to give them the illusion of seeing their injured arm move. A new step has now been taken with the IVS 3. The device generates visual illusions based on the movements of the healthy limb. Through a screen, the system replaces the image of the paralysed arm with a positive image of movement created from the healthy arm. For paralysed patients, it is indeed very difficult to relearn a movement with permanently negative feedback.

What are the advantages?

Thanks to brain plasticity and by re-establishing coherence between what the patient wants to do and what he perceives, the flow of illusions favours re-learning and motor recovery. An algorithm based on artificial intelligence also offers an evolutionary process: the device learns to recognise the exercises best suited to the deficiencies and progress of each individual. This equipment makes it possible to increase, diversify and personalise the rehabilitation work of patients, from their entry into the clinic until their return home.

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