The Femto-LASIK procedure has its origin in the conventional LASIK method (= Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) and is now one of the most frequently performed laser eye treatments with the aim of re-modelling the cornea.

This procedure can be used to correct defective vision in the eye, i.e. near-sightedness, far-sightedness and astigmatism

Bladeless laser eye treatment method

The Femto-LASIK is also known as the 'bladeless' laser eye treatment method. In contrast to conventional LASIK, the thin corneal flap is produced using the high-precision femtosecond laser rather than mechanically – for example with a computer-controlled precision blade. 


First, a corneal lamella (known by the medical term ''flap') is prepared using this laser. To do this, the femtosecond laser sets millions of tiny air bubbles at a precisely defined corneal depth, which then expand and separate the layers of tissue from each other. It is then possible to fold back the corneal lamella prepared in this way. Tissue is then removed in the deeper layer of the cornea that is now exposed using what is known as the excimer laser. This changes the refractive power of the cornea, therefore also correcting the refractive error. Last but not least, the corneal lamella is folded back in order to act like the body’s own plaster. 

The term 'excimer lasers' refers to a gas laser that can generate electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet wavelength range. In the case of refractive errors (i.e. refractive disorders), the light rays entering the eye are not focused on the retina, which leads to a blurred vision. The shape of the eye or cornea or age-related lens stiffness may limit the focusing capacity of the eye. 

The difference between the LASIK and FEMTO-LASIK procedures

The FEMTO-LASIK procedure is a further development of the LASIK technique. The difference lies in the way in which the flap (i.e. the corneal lamella) is created.

While the corneal lamella is prepared using an ultra-sharp, computer-controlled precision blade as part of the LASIK procedure, a fine infrared laser performs this preparatory step in the FEMTO-LASIK procedure. 

Who is it suitable for?

Patients who suffer from astigmatism or who are near-sighted or far-sighted should first talk to their ophthalmologist about laser eye surgery and other alternative treatment methods. 

The FEMTO-LASIK technique is used in the following cases: 

During the first appointment, the following examinations will be performed. In addition, the pupils will also be dilated with an eye drop, which means that you will need to come accompanied or by public transport:

  • Determining the visual acuity of the eyes and measuring the refractive power 
  • Topography
  • Measurement of intraocular pressure 
  • Biometry
  • Pupillometry
  • Examination of the optic nerve and the back of the eye 
  • Extensive information is provided about the procedure and risks of the operation and the day after it 

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The patient should not have worn their soft contact lenses for seven days and their hard contact lenses for three weeks. One should either come with an escort or use public transport as no driving is allowed on the day of the operation.

Laser eye treatment is performed on an outpatient basis using local anaesthesia.

Laser eye surgery using the FEMTO-LASIK procedure takes an average of half a minute per eye: 

  1. first, tiny gas bubbles are created under the cornea by means of small energy pulses from the femtolaser. 
  2. The one eye is initially covered with a sterile patch and prevented from blinking using an eyelid retainer. 
  3. Once the flap has been folded back, the excimer laser is used and the laser procedure for correcting corneal unevenness or refractive error begins – the whole process only takes a few seconds.  
  4. The flap is then folded back into the correct position. 
  5. Finally, this process is repeated in the other eye. 


Follow-up examinations usually take place immediately after the procedure and again on the day after the operation. 

It is important that patients adhere to their eye drop schedule after surgery, take the necessary rest, avoid physical exertion, refrain from applying make-up and washing hair for one to two days immediately after the operation, avoid rubbing eyes, avoid exercise in the first few days after the laser correction, and allow at least four weeks after the operation before visiting the sauna or participating in an extreme sport for the first time. 


When is it possible to exercise/play sport again after laser eye correction by Femto-LASIK?

Care should always be taken after the operation when playing sports. Light activity is possible after one week. Strenuous sports or water sports should be stopped for one month. The doctor will clarify this with you. 

How long can halos occur after a Femto-LASIK procedure?

These disturbing light phenomena often occur after a Femto-LASIK procedure and usually disappear after three months at the most. 

The 'halos' are rings of light that affected patients perceive around light sources. These halos are a clear sign of light sensitivity due to glare from headlights or lamps in the office or in the home. 

When is clear vision possible again after a Femto-LASIK operation?

With laser eye treatment using the Femto-LASIK technique, patients can often see clearly as well as sharply even immediately after or just a few hours after the procedure.  

What are the advantages of the method?

The advantages of the FEMTO-LASIK procedure are:  

  • Increased safety and precision thanks to the use of a femtosecond laser 
  • Minimisation of complications as a result of an incision or more gentle than cutting with a blade 
  • Can also be used with high dioptre values or severe visual impairment or in the case of a very thin cornea, as the flap/corneal lamella can be produced very thinly and precisely thanks to the infrared laser. 
  • Suitable for patients who have not yet undergone laser eye treatment due to fear of the LASIK incision 

What are the risks and side effects?

The healing period for FEMTO-LASIK treatment is usually between one and two weeks. 

The FEMTO-LASIK treatment is essentially a proven laser process. Although the associated risks are low, patients must not disregard the potential complications. Patients may experience dry eyes during the first few days and weeks after the operation. To prevent this phenomenon, however, they are given eye drops immediately after the operation, which they should use regularly. 

Another side effect may be a slight scratching sensation in the eye, which becomes noticeable in the first few hours after the procedure. In addition, patients report glare effects and difficulties in seeing in the dark (known as haloes, i.e. the perception of light rings around light sources), but they too can usually see 'normally' again after just a few days or weeks. 

In principle, a detailed explanation by an ophthalmologist of all possible risks and side effects is part of the pre-operative consultation, during which patients also have the opportunity to clarify any unanswered questions and discuss any fears or concerns with the ophthalmologist treating them in advance. 

Where does the term 'femto' come from?

The term 'femto' originates from the physics domain and is based on the time unit femtosecond, which expresses a billionth of a second (written in full: 0.000,000,000,000,001 seconds). The relevance of this term in relation to laser eye technology is based on the pulse frequency of the laser, which works ion the scale of these femtoseconds.

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