Hôpital de La Providence

Céline Faivre-Delaloye

Naturopath MTE


Contact me

Hospital (1)
Cabinet de naturopathie
Faubourg de l'Hôpital 81
2000 Neuchâtel

Work Experience

After 10 years' experience working for a major pharmaceutical company, I'm redirecting my focus towards a more holistic, person-centred approach to medicine.

Since 2015, creation and management of a non-profit association called "Mieux Vivre Avec Mon Cancer" for oncology patients, particularly breast cancer.

I have been practising naturopathy since 2016, initially at the Ecole Professionnelle Supérieure de Naturopathie in Lausanne, and since 2021 in private practice at La Providence hospital in Neuchâtel.

Since 2020, I have been working with the NAVI centre, a research centre at the Lausanne Biopôle on ETM (European Traditional Medicine) in integrative oncology.


Nutrition / nutritherapy

Therapeutic remedies in phytotherapy

Detoxification / nathuropatic principles - Synthesis of Marchesseau cures

Hydrology / Kneipp & Salmanov - bio-physical therapy

General natural medicine in empirical medicine


2020 - 2025

Professional practice leading to the Federal Diploma in Naturopathy MTE, recognised by OrTrAMA

2016 - 2020

Diploma of Naturopath in Traditional European Medicine, Ecole Professionnelle Supérieur de Naturopathie, Lausanne

2016 - 2020

Basic medical training, Academic Medicine - Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology - Ecole Professionnelle Supérieure de Naturopathie, Lausanne

Doctors with this specialisation

Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Stephane Grandin

Ladies Permanence Stadelhofen

Jaira Schmocker-Baldenweg

Medizinisches Zentrum VIVA

Rahel Dubach

Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Christine Barbey

Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Amel Benzeghiba de Proyart
