Sport centre in Swiss Medical Network

Sports medicine centres

Swiss Medical Network's sports centres are aimed at professional athletes, amateur athletes and anyone who has made «more exercise» a New Year's resolution. In our interdisciplinary centres, we combine sports physicians with physiotherapists and work closely with professional athletes such as SC Rapperswil-Jona Lakers and Neuchâtel Xamax FCS to offer the best possible treatment for all sportspeople. 


The vision in our sports centres is simple: to combine the practical experience of professional athletes with the knowledge of the body from orthodox medicine in order to address the needs of our patients both preventively and rehabilitatively.  

We help people to get back to their usual everyday life after an operation or to get amateur athletes to new heights. 

Our network

Médecine du sport Générale-Beaulieu
Centre de Sport La Providence
Centro dello Sport Ars Medica
Médecine du sport Genolier
Sportzentrum Rosenklinik Rapperswil


Our centres stand for top class. Our sports centres in La Chaux-de-Fonds and Tessin have been awarded the Swiss Olympic quality label. This label is only awarded to centres that provide sports medical and physiotherapeutic training and competition support. 



Together with our strong partners, we are able to explore new treatment paths and constantly advance sports medicine.

Medical equipment

Our centres are equipped with modern equipment that can be used to measure strength and power, but also to restore motor skills. 

Individual and competent counselling

You are our focus. We address your needs individually and competently and develop the best possible treatment for you together.

Our interdisciplinary medical specialties

Orthopaedic surgery

Treatment of physiotherapeutic illnesses and injuries at Swiss Medical Network


Treatment of occupational therapy illnesses and injuries at Swiss Medical Network

Occupational therapy

Athletic man runs on a treadmill under the observation of a sports physiotherapist at the Swiss Medical Network

Sports medicine