Privatklinik Villa im Park

Dr. med. Andrea Anna Melber


Areas of specialisation (1)

Work Experience

since 2014

Head of Anaesthesiology, Münsingen Hospital, Insel Gruppe AG Bern

since 2009

Founder and head of the RemiPCA SAFE Network©

2009 - 2013

Specialist in anaesthesiology, Salem-Spital Bern, Hirslanden AG
Specialisations: Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Head of Simulation Training

2002 - 2008
  • Senior physician in anaesthesiology and pain therapy, University Hospital Inselspital Bern
  • Head of the gynaecology anaesthesia ward
  • Co-Head of the Anaesthesia Ward for Eye Surgery and Plastic Surgery
  • Development of simulation training (Besic)
  • Human resources management for residents
1999 - 2002

Assistant doctor and specialist in anaesthesiology and pain therapy
University Hospital Inselspital Bern

1997 - 1999

Resident in anaesthesiology, intensive care medicine and neonatology
Medway Hospital, teaching hospital of Guy's and St Thomas' University Hospital, London

1994 - 1997

Assistant doctor for anaesthesiology and intensive care medicine
Charité University Hospital, Berlin


  • FMH - Federation des médecins suisse
  • SGAR - Swiss Society for Anaesthesia and Resuscitation
  • SAOA - Swiss Association of Obstetric Anaesthetists, Vice President
  • OAA - Obstetric Anaesthetist Association, UK
  • VBA - Association of Bernese Anaesthesiologists
  • VSAO - Association of Swiss Assistant and Senior Physicians
  • ESA - European Society of Anaesthesiology


Quality assurance

  • Since 2009 RemiPCA SAFE Network and
    Development and management of an international, web-based quality assurance procedure for the standardised performance of remifentanil PCA, a new method for pain relief during childbirth. The network has been under the auspices of the SAOA since 2012.
  • 2007-2013 Simulation training and Crisis Resource Management (Inselspital, Salem Hospital)

Additional qualifications

  • 2015 Management in Healthcare course, University of Bern
  • 2005 Management course for senior physicians
  • 2008 Instructor for Simulation Training and Crisis Resource Management, TüPASS,
  • 2007 ATLS® Instructor Switzerland SGC/SSC
  • 2002 ATLS® Instructor UK

Obstetric anaesthesiology

Teaching and research

  • Lectures actively at national and international congresses and events in obstetric anaesthesiology
  • Publications see Publications
  • Currentlecturing activities: Lecturer at the Bern Education Centre for Nursing in the anaesthesia training module, lecturer at the Bern University of Applied Sciences on the midwifery course



European Diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (DEAA)


Specialist in anaesthesiology


Doctorate "Doctoris medicinae"


Licence to practise medicine

1992 - 1994

Medical internship, England and Germany

1985 - 1992

Study of human medicine, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Berlin


Lecturing activities

  • Since 2006: Lecturer at the Bern Education Centre for Nursing in the anaesthesia training module
  • Since 2007: Lecturer at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in the midwifery programme
  • 2006-2014: Simulation instructor at the BeSiC of the University Clinic for Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy at Inselspital, Bern
  • 2007-2014: ATLS© Instructor in Switzerland (Bern, Basel)
  • 2007-2008: Lecturer for Problem Based Learning for the Human Medicine programme at the University of Bern
  • 2004-2008: Instructor in the BSL/AED tutor course
  • 2002-2008: Instructor in the Basic Trauma Management course for students at Inselspital
  • 2002-2011: ATLS© Instructor in Great Britain (Oxford, Cambridge, Sheffield)


2007 Arnberger M1, Stadelmann K, Alischer P, Ponert R, Melber A, Greif R. Monitoring of neuromuscular blockade at the P6 acupuncture point reduces the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesthesiology 2007 Dec;107(6):903-

Doctors with this specialisation

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Dr. med. Alexandre Axis

Hôpital de Saint-Imier

Dr. med. Solange Porret

Privatklinik Villa im Park

Dr. med. Eva-Maria Jendrusch

Clinique de Valère

Dr. med. Astrid Hehl-Maret

Privatklinik Siloah

Dr. med. Leila Hadjadj

Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Marine Kirk
