Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Dr. med. Daniel Meunier

Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, member FMH.

Areas of specialisation (1)

Contact me

Hospital (1)
Cabinet du Dr Meunier
Route de Florissant, 118
1206 Genève



Plastic and reconstructive Surgery residency and diploma - University of LOUVAIN


Fellow of the Collegium Chirurgicum Plasticum


Diplomat of the European Board of Plastic Surgery


Medical Doctor - University of LOUVAIN


Member of the Société Royale Belge de Chirurgie

Member of the Société Royale Belge de Chirurgie Plastique

Member of the Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique

Member of the International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)

Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery

Work Experience

since 2012

Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon Clinic135 ; centre for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery

since 2012

Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon - Private Practice - Route de Florissant, 112 à 1206 Geneva and Clinique Générale Beaulieu

2000 - 2012

Head of Clinic- Department of plastic Surgery ( Head Pr. R. Vanwijck) - University of Louvain


2000 - 11th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Plastic Surgeons, EURAPS (Berlin). LENGELÉ B., MEUNIER D., DESUTER G., ROMBAUX Ph., HAMOIR M.
Functional microsurgical reconstruction of the supraglottic area.

- Scientific Meeting of the Belgian Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, BSPRAS (Maastricht) - LENGELÉ B., EL FOULY P., WILLEMART G., MEUNIER D., VANWIJCK R.
Microsurgical and multilayered reconstruction of the calvaria. - LENGELÉ B., EL FOULY P., WILLEMART G., MEUNIER D., DESUTER E., HAMOIR M.
Functional microsurgical reconstruction of the supraglottic area. - WITTEBOLE A., MEUNIER D., LENGELÉ B., VANWIJCK R.
Microsurgical reconstruction of a complete degloving of the leg.

- 45e Congrès National de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique, SOFCPRE (Versailles) - LENGELÉ B., TESTELIN S., LAURENT B., DEVAUCHELLE B.
Periprosthetic prefabrication of a neomucosa within pluritissular free transplants used in cervico-facial reconstructive surgery. - LENGELÉ B., MEUNIER D., VERHELST R., VANWIJCK R.
Coverage of exposed femoral vascular axes in the Scarpa triangle.
- 46e Congrès National de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique, SOFCPRE (Paris) - LENGELÉ B., BLAIRVACQ J.S., NYSSEN-BEHETS C.
Perforating branches of the anterior intercostal arteries: a new segmental pedicle for the medial flap of the pectoralis major muscle
On the rational use of pedicled muscle or epilotic flaps for intrathoracic reconstruction.

2002 - 47th National Congress of the French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, SOF.CPRE, Paris. - LENGELÉ B., MEUNIER D., DESUTER G., HAMOIR M.
Tension, suspension and plication: progress, secrets and results of dynamic microsurgical reconstruction of the supraglottic larynx.

2003 - 14th annual Meeting of the European Association of Plastic Surgeons, EURAPS, Vienna. - LENGELÉ B., PONCELET A., MEUNIER D., VANWIJCK R., NOIRHOMME P.
New trends and rationalized guidelines for the use of intrathoracic flaps.

- XXIst Meeting of the Group for the Advancement of Microsurgery, GAM, Amiens. - DAPKE S., WILLEMARD G., LENGELÉ B., DEVAUCHELLE B.
The free helix root flap. - LENGELÉ B., MEUNIER D., ROMBEAUX P., LONAM A., HAMOIR M.
Microsurgery and phonation. Progress, secrets and results of functional reconstruction of the supraglottic larynx.

- Second European Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, Lille. - LENGELE B., MEUNIER D., LONA A., ROMBAUX Ph., HAMOIR M.
Three-dimensional multitissular reconstruction of midfacial defects: a rationale for the use of flaps in complex challenging problems.
- Congrès de la Société Française de Carcinologie Cervico-Faciale, Poitiers. - ROMBAUX Ph., MEUNIER D., HAMOIR M., LENGELE B.
Three-dimensional multi-tissue reconstruction after resection of advanced naso-sinusal cancers.

2004- Spring Meeting of the Belgian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, SBCPRE, Ghent. - LENGELE B.G., MEUNIER D., EL FOULY P.E., WILLEMART G., HAMOIR M.
Long-term anatomical, functional and oncological results of reconstructive pharyngolaryngectomy in the treatment of invasive pyriform sinus carcinoma.

-6th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, Washington, USA - LENGELE B.G., MEUNIER D., EL FOULY P.E., WILLEMART G., HAMOIR M.
Long-term anatomical, functional and oncological results of reconstructive pharyngolaryngectomy in the treatment of invasive pyriform sinus carcinoma. - LENGELE B., HAMOIR M., MEUNIER D., ROMBAUX Ph.,.
Three-dimensional multitissular reconstruction of midfacial defects: a rationale for the use of reconstructive flaps in complex challenging defects. (poster) - LENGELE B., HAMOIR M., DESUTER G., MEUNIER D., PLOUIN-GAUDON, LEDEGHEN S., ROBAUX P.

Functional supraglottic reconstruction after extended partial pharyngolaryngectomy for T2 pyriform sinus cancer. - LENGELÉ B., EL FOULY P., WILLEMART G., MEUNIER D., NOUWEN J., ROMBAUX P., DESUTER G.,
Functional microsurgical reconstruction of the supraglottic area after extended partial pharyngolaryngectomy. Plast.Rec.Surg. (submitted) - LENGELÉ B., MEUNIER D., EL FOULY P., WILLEMART G., TESTELIN S.- Microsurgical multilayered reconstruction of major calvarial defects. J. Cranio maxillo fac Surg (submitted)

Chapters of books

Three-dimensional multi-tissue reconstruction after resection of advanced naso-sinusal cancers. In: Fontanel J.P., Clossek J.M., Tumeurs malignes du massif facial et des cavités naso-sinusiennes. Monographs
de la Société française de Carcinologie Cervico-Faciale, Masson, Paris, 2004.

2007- Elias, Badwi Georges M.D.; Meunier, Daniel I. M.D.; Squifflet, Jean Paul M.D.; Marot, Liliane M.D.; Weynand, Birgit M.D.; VanWijck, Romain R. M.D.; Bayet, Benedicte M.D.
Immunologic Tolerance to Skin Allograft after Graft-versus-Host Disease.
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 119(3):40e-44e, March 2007.

2008 - first international alpine nasal course :D. Meunier: Nasal Implants - organisation of congress in collaboration with the anaesthesia department of Cliniques Saint-Luc: Office Based anaesthesia and surgery - UCL en woluwe on 6/12/2008

2009 - Melanoma surgery in 2010. Round table on the treatment of melanoma. 54th congress of the French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

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