Privatklinik Bethanien

Dr. med. Gregor Szöllösy

Specialist in orthopaedics, traumatology of the musculoskeletal system and surgery, member of FMH
Clinical emergency medicine SGNOR

Contact me

Hospital (1)
Gladbachstrasse 95
8044 Zürich

Work Experience

since 2016

Praxis Ärztehaus private practice, Rosenau

2015 - 2016

Head of Orthopaedics department, Hôpital du Jura Delémont (Dr. med. St. Styger)

2013 - 2015

Senior physician, Orthopaedics/traumatology, Unispital Basel (Prof. Dr. med. M. Jakob)


Shoulder Fellow (clinical and research) Alps Surgical Institute, Annecy, France (Dr. med. L. Lafosse)

2008 - 2011

Senior physician, head of Proctology, Stadtspital Waid, Zürich

2006 - 2007

Senior physician, deputy head of Emergency surgery, Stadtspital Waid, Zürich


Deputy senior physician, surgery, Stadtspital Waid, Zürich


Senior surgical assistant, Kreisspital für das Freiamt Muri (Dr. med. Ch. Sartoretti)

2000 - 2003

Resident physician, Surgery, Stadtspital Waid, Zürich and Spital Limmattal, Urforf


ÄrzteGesellschaft des Kantons Zürich (AGZ)

Swiss Medical Association (FMH)

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (SGC-SSC)

Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie (AGA)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie (DGOU)

Verband Schweizerischer Assistenz- und Oberärztinnen und Oberärzte (VSAO)

Advanced Trauma Life Support ATLS – former instructor



Specialist in orthopaedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system


Focus on general and emergency surgery


Clinical emergency medicine SGNOR


Specialism in surgery

1992 - 1999

Medical degree from the University of Zürich


  • Arthroscopic and open, reconstructive surgery on shoulders and elbows
  • Endoprosthetics on shoulders and elbows
  • Sports injuries on upper extremities
  • Traumatology, in particular of the upper extremities
  • Effects of trauma on the upper extremities

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Privatklinik Bethanien

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