Clinique Générale Ste-Anne

Dr. med. Giulia Virginia Vottero

Specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, member FMH

Areas of specialisation (1)

Contact me

Hospital (2)

Rte Ste-Thérèse 2B
1700 Fribourg

Work Experience

since 2019

Plastical surgeon, collaboration with the dermatology practice « TopDerma »,, Dr. med. Isabelle Joggi, Fribourg

since 2019

Consultant plastic surgeon, department of plastic surgery and maxillo-facial, CHU de Liège (BE)

since 2019

Plastic surgeon, collaboration with the dermatologic practice « DermatoSierre »,, Dr. med. Delphine Perruchoud, Sierre

since 2018

University certification, « Maître d’expérience »(Master of experience) FELASA (Federation
Of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations) Cat. C, University Liège.

2017 - 2018

Assistant doctor, Department of plastic surgery and maxillo-facial, CHU in Liège (BE)

2016 - 2017

Assistant doctor (Fellowship), Department of plastic and reconstructive surgery, European Institut for Oncology (IEO), Milan (IT)

2014 - 2015

Assistant doctor, Department of hand and peripheral nerve surgery, CHU in Liège 

2012 - 2014

Assistant doctor, rotation internships in surgery (department of general surgery and orthopaedics, plastic surgery and maxillo-facial, cardio-vascular surgery, neurosurgery), CHU de Liège

2009 - 2011

Assistant doctor, Department of cardiovascular surgery, CHUV, Lausanne

2008 - 2009

Assistant doctor, interdisciplinary Department of intensive and continuing care service,  Cantonal Hospital Fribourg

2007 - 2008

Assistant doctor, Department of general surgery (Vascular and visceral surgery, surgical and orthopaedic emergencies) Cantonal Hospital Fribourg 

2005 - 2007

Deputy assistant doctor, Department of emergency and laparoscopic surgery, Hospital San Giovanni Battista, Turin (IT).


January 2020: De Lorenzi F, Corso G, Botta F, Invento A, Marchetti A, Sala P, Vottero G, Bagnardi V, Leonardi C, Veronesi P, Goldhirsch A. Immediate breast reconstruction with latissimus dorsi flap for patients with local recurrence of breast cancer , 2020 Jan 11. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2020;S0748-7983(20)30019-6.
October 2019: Vottero GV, Morfoisse F, Durré T, et al. Contralateral Vascularized
Lymph Node Transfer: An Optimized Mouse Model. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery Open 2019, 4(02):e83-e91.
14 october 2018: Free communication, International Congres of Supermicrosurgery 2018, Jinan, China
3-7 june 2018: Poster, International Vascular Biology Meeting 2018, Helsinki : Morfoisse F., Vottero G.V., Bourgot I., Blancher S., Ebroin M., Van De Welde Maureen, Nizet JL, Noel A. « uPARAP/endo 180 : a new player in lymphoedema pathology ». Winner of the Travel Award by The Lymphatic Educational and Research Network (Helsinki) and Best free communication (Jinan).
7 december 2013: Free communication, Autumn Meeting 2013, RBSPS, Brussels :
G.V. Vottero, B. Dezfoulian, D. Jacquemin, J L Nizet,
« Inverted-T scar lipoabdominoplasty: focus on complications ».
8-10 june 2011: Publication et Poster, Congrès SCC 2011, Bâle:
G.V. Vottero, L. Niclauss, M. Hurni, C. Marcucci, L.K. von Segesser.
« Aortic root perforation after BioSTAR® percutaneous closure of patent
foramen ovale» J Card Surg. 2012 Mar;27(2):18
1er octobre 2010 Free communication, Congrès SSCPRE, Lausanne, 1er octobre 2010.
G.V. Vottero, U. Kessler, T. Christen, M. van Steenberghe, W. Raffoul, L. K.
von Segesser.
“Pectoralis major versus rectus abdominis muscle flap in the treatment of
post-sternotomy mediastinitis after cardiac surgery. The CHUV 15 years
19 et 26 may 2016: Free communication, Congrès SSC, Interlaken, 26 mai 2010. G.V. Vottero, D. Périard, M.A. Rey, M. Menth, B. Marty, B. Egger Poster, Congrès SSMI, Bâle, 19 mai 2010. « One year survival and patency rates of crural revascularisation ».
17 october 2006: TFE en Chirurgie oncologique laparoscopique, superviseur Prof. M. Morino. « La T.E.M. (Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery) pour le traitement du cancer du rectum. Impact sur la qualité de vie», et (Istituto Italiano di Medicina Sociale)


since 2020

Doctor in medical sciences on the subject of «  Biologicalimplications and clinical perspectives of vascularized lymph node transfer in the treatment of acquired lymphedema: a mouse model”, University of Liège (BE)

since 2018

Titel of specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, ministry of the  Wallonia-Bruxelles Federation(BE).

since 2013

Federal titel of postgraduate studies «Médecin praticien» (medical practitionar), Swiss medical association (FMH), Bern.

since 2012

Complementary Master Competition in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, University of Liège.

since 2008

Basic exam in surgery, Lausanne.

since 2006

State Diploma as doctor of medicine, grade 110/110, University Turin

since 2000

Scientific Baccalauréat, L.S.S. P. Gobetti, Venaria Reale (IT).

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