Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Dr. med. Stephen Altrichter

Specialist in radiology, specialising in diagnostic neuroradiology, member FMH

Further accreditations (1)
  • Centre Médical Eaux-Vives

Contact me

Hospital (2)

Clinique Générale-Beaulieu
Chemin de Beau-Soleil 20
1206 Genève



FMH specialist in diagnostic neuroradiology


FMH specialist in radiology


Doctorate in medicine


Federal diploma in medicine

1992 - 1998

University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine


Société Suisse de Radiologie
European Society of Radiology
Société Suisse de Neuroradiologie
SONGe, Réseau de Séno Oncologie Genevoise
​​​​​​​Société Suisse de Sénologie


Dr Stephen Altrichter talks to Laurie Selli for

"Additional safety measures have been put in place in the radiology department", Dr Stephen Altrichter, Specialist in Radiology at the Clinique Générale Beaulieu and the Centre Médical Eaux-Vives, talks to Radio Lac about the "Safe Clinic" concept.

> Read his interview now.

Work Experience

since 2013

Consultant to the neurodiagnostic and neurointerventional service at the HUG. (Prof. K.-O. Lövblad)

since 2011

FMH Specialist in Radiology and Diagnostic Neuroradiology, Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

since 2011

First reader for the Geneva Breast Cancer Screening Foundation

2011 - 2012

Associate doctor in the neurodiagnostic and neurointerventional service at the HUG. (Prof. K.-O. Lövblad)

2009 - 2011

Senior Consultant, Department of Radiology, eHnv


Senior Consultant, Department of Neuroradiology, University Hospitals of Geneva, Acting Head of Department: PD Dr K.-O. Lövblad

2006 - 2008

Senior Registrar, Radiology Department, University Hospitals of Geneva, Department Head: Prof C. Becker

2005 - 2006

Assistant Doctor, Radiology Department, Hôpital Cantonal Fribourg, Department Head: PD Dr. H.-M. Hoogewoud

2001 - 2005

Internal Medicine, Department of Radiodiagnosis and Interventional Radiology, University Hospitals of Geneva, Department Head: Prof. F. Terrier until 2004, Acting Department Head: Prof. C. Becker from 2004

2000 - 2001

Assistant Physician, HOGER, Geneva, Department Head: Prof. J.-P. Michel

1999 - 2000

Assistant Physician, Centre Valaisan de Pneumologie, Montana, Managing Physician: PD Dr J.-M. Tschopp


Temporary assistant physician, Clinique de Médecine I, Département de Médecine Interne, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Head of Department: Prof. A. Junod


J.-M. Tschopp, M. Licker, S. Altrichter, J.-G. Frey, E. Aymon, M. de Perrot, L. Höhn, S. Grandin, Ph. Morel,T. Rochat, A. Spiliopoulos
Outcome of thoracic surgery in a 2 sites partnership: prospective
cost-benefit analysis of such an intercantonal collaboration
Meeting of the Swiss Respiratory Society, Lausanne, Switzerland
15th-16th June 2000
S.Altrichter, P.-A. Poletti, S. Terraz, P.-A. Schneider, C.D. Becker
Percutaneous treatment with metallic endoprosthesis in malignant biliary obstruction
90th Annual SGR-SSR Congress, Lucerne, Switzerland
26th-28th June 2003
S.Altrichter, M. Copercini, P. Loubeyre
CD-ROM: Demonstration on computer-normal CT anatomy of the nose
and paranasal sinuses: an interactive teaching file in French, German, Italian and English
91st SGR-SSR Annual Congress, Interlaken, Switzerland
13-15 May 2004
M. Viallon, A. Federspiel, S. Altrichter, A. Syrogiannopoulou,
R. Sztajzel, MI. Vargas, J. Delavelle, KO. Lövblad
Added combined value of Pulse Arterial Spin Labelling and
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in cerebral vascular occlusion, stroke and recovery
ISMRM, Toronto
May 2008
S. Altrichter, M. Viallon, A. Federspiel, , A. Syrogiannopoulou,
MI. Vargas, J. Delavelle, KO. Lövblad
Arterial Spin labelling (PASL) and Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in Stroke
95th SGR-SSR Annual Congress, St. Gallen, Switzerland
29th-31st May 2008
Guzman R, Lovblad KO, Altrichter S, Remonda L, de Koning P, Andres RH,
El-Koussy M, Kelly ME, Reiber JH, Schroth G, Oswald H, Barth A.
Clinical validation of an automated vessel-segmentation software of the
extracranial-carotid arteries based on 3D-MRA: A prospective study
J Neuroradiol. 2008 Aug 14.
Altrichter S, Kulcsar Z, Jägersberg M, Federspiel A, Viallon M, Schaller K,
Rüfenacht DA, Lövblad KO.
Arterial spin labeling shows cortical collateral flow in the endovascular
treatment of vasospasm after post-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage.
J Neuroradiol. 2009 Jan 8.
Knoepfli AS, Sekoranja L, Bonvin C, Delavelle J, Kulcsar Z, Rüfenacht D,
Yilmaz H, Sztajzel R, Altrichter S, Lövblad KO.
Evaluation of perfusion CT and TIBI grade in acute stroke for
predicting thrombolysis benefit and clinical outcome.
J Neuroradiol. 2008 Dec 3.
Altrichter S, Kulcsar Z, Sekoranja L, Rüfenacht D, Viallon M,
Lovblad KO.
Arterial spin labeling demonstrates early recanalization after stroke.
J Neuroradiol. 2009 May.
Altrichter S, Pendse N, Wissmeyer M, Jägersberg M, Federspiel A,
Viallon M, Seeck M, Lövblad KO.
Arterial spin-labeling demonstrates ictal cortical hyperperfusion
in epilepsy secondary to hemimegalencephaly.
J Neuroradiol. 2009 Dec.
Wissmeyer M, Altrichter S, Pereira VM, Viallon M, Federspiel A,
Seeck M, Schaller K, Lövblad KO.
Arterial spin-labeling MRI perfusion in tuberous sclerosis:
Correlation with PET.
J Neuroradiol. 2009 Jul 2.
Pendse N, Wissmeyer M, Altrichter S, Vargas M, Delavelle J,
Viallon M, Federspiel A, Seeck M, Schaller K, Lövblad KO.
Interictal arterial spin-labeling MRI perfusion in intractable epilepsy.
J Neuroradiol. 2009 Aug 10.
Kulcsár Z, Bonvin C, Pereira VM, Altrichter S, Yilmaz H, Lövblad KO, Sztajzel R, Rüfenacht DA
Penumbra system: a novel mechanical thrombectomy device for large-vessel occlusions in acute stroke.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2010 Apr.
Bonvin C, Momjian-Mayor I, Sekoranja L, Lövblad KO, Altrichter S, Yilmaz H, Pereira VM, Loulidi J, Comelli M, Burkhard PR, Sztajzel RF.
Stroke severity and residual flow determined by transcranial colour-coded ultrasound (TCCD) predict recanalization and clinical outcome during thrombolysis.
J Neurol Sci. 2010 Sep 15.
Viallon M, Altrichter S, Pereira VM, Nguyen D, Sekoranja L, Federspiel A, Kulcsar Z, Sztajzel R, Ouared R, Bonvin C, Pfeuffer J, Lövblad KO.
Combined use of pulsed arterial spin-labeling and susceptibility-weighted imaging in stroke at 3T.
Eur Neurol. 2010;64(5):286-96.
Lövblad KO, Altrichter S, Mendes Pereira V, Vargas M, Marcos Gonzalez A, Haller S, Sztajzel R.
Imaging of acute stroke: CT and/or MRI.
J Neuroradiol. 2015 Feb;42(1):55-64
Sztajzel RF, Muller H, Sekoranja L, Viaccoz A, Mendez Pereira V, Narata AP, Lovblad K, Altrichter S, Michel P.
Strokes in the anterior circulation: comparison between bridging and intravenous thrombolysis.
Acta Neurol Scand. 2015 May;131(5):329-35

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