Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Roland Gardon

FMH-certified specialist in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system



Contact me

Hospital (2)

Clinique de Genolier
Route du Muids 3, CP 100
1272 Genolier

Work Experience

since 2015

Accredited physician, Orthopaedic surgery and trauma department, Clinique de Genolier

2014 - 2015

Fellowship in knee surgery, Santy Orthopedic Centre, FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, Lyon, France

2013 - 2014
  • Courses at HESAV: Knee trauma, School of Health Sciences, Lausanne
  • Teaching at the Faculty of medicine: Osteoarthritis of the knee University of Lausanne
  • Coordinator of the weekly colloquium (radio-ortho) for orthopaedics residents, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne
2013 - 2014

University chief resident, Orthopaedic surgery department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne

2011 - 2013

Chief resident, Orthopaedic surgery department, Hôpital du Valais

2009 - 2011

Chief resident, Orthopaedic surgery department, Hôpital Neuchâtelois

2008 - 2009

Resident, Orthopaedic surgery department, Hôpital du Chablais

2007 - 2008

Resident, Orthopaedic surgery department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois

2006 - 2007

Resident, Clinique Chirurgicale et Permanence de Longeraie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois

2004 - 2006

Resident, General and orthopaedic surgery department, HJBE

2002 - 2004

Resident, Surgery department, University Hospital Bratislava, Slovakia 


  • Orthopaedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system
  • Sports traumatology
  • Knee arthroscopy (lesions of the menisucs, cartilage and ligaments)
  • Surgery of the patella
  • Knee replacement surgery


Co-author of a study included in the monograph: Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Sauramps Medical, 2016, ISBN 979-1-03-030076-5

Single use custom made instrumentation, the future of total knee arthroplasty? Spaltenstein M, et al. Rev Med Suisse. 2014. Article in French



FMH certification in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system


Doctor in medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia 


Diploma in medicine summa cum laude, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia 


French baccalaureate in science, French school, Bratislava, Slovakia 


Swiss Orthopaedics Society

Handouts Presentations

Presentations at conventions

SSO 2009 (Genève)
Compression of the sciatic nerve caused by a tear in the hamstring muscles 

SOTS 2011 (Bratislava - Slovaquie)
Lateral unicompartmental arthroplasty – single center experience and review of literature 

SOTS 2011 (Bratislava)
Sonication as a new method in diagnostic of prosthetic-joint infection 

SSO 2013 (Lausanne - Suisse)
Managment of Schatzker VI tibial plateau fractures with hybrid external fixation: Case series and review 

EFORT 2015 (Prague)
Surgical management of recurrent musculotendinous hamstring injury in professional athlete 

SSO 2015 (Bâle)
Proximal Tibial Anterior Closing Wedge Osteotomy in Repeat Revision of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction 

SSO 2015 (Bâle)
Outcome of a combined ACL and ALL reconstruction technique with a minimum 2-year follow-up

SSO 2015 (Bâle)
Unicompartimental arthroplasty for knee osteoarthritis – Meta-analysis. CHUV, Lausanne 


EFORT 2010 (Madrid)
Compression of the sciatic nerve caused by a tear in the hamstring muscles

EFORT - 2014 (Londres)
Managment of Schatzker VI tibial plateau fractures with hybrid external fixation: Case series and review

EFORT - 2014 (Londres)
Is obesity a contraindication for a unicompartmental knee arthroplasty? A retrospective case series involving twenty knees

SSO 2015 (Bâle)
Surgical management of recurrent musculotendinous hamstring injury in professional athlete 

SOFCOT 2016 (Paris)
Discoid Lateral Meniscus In A Twelve Year Old Child. A Case Report and Review Of Literature

EFORT 2017 (Vienne)
Arthroscopic treatment of a displaced bucket-handle tear of medial meniscus in a 82-year-old patient

SOFCOT 2018 (Paris)
L’effet de la pente tibiale postérieure sur les résultats fonctionnels d’une prothèse totale du genou postéro-stabilisée implantée à l’aide des guides de coupe sur mesure selon la planification 3D


A look back at the symposium: The knee at Genolier

Symposium genou traumatique : "tout savoir sur l'entorse de genou"

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