Privatdocent, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Specialist FMH in ophthalmology and ophthalmosurgery
Swiss Visio Eaux-Vives
Rue du Nant 4-6
1207 Genève
Privatdocent, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Federal recognition of the title of Specialist in Ophthalmic Surgery, Bern, Switzerland
Diploma of Fellow of European Boards of Ophthalmology (FEBO)
Federal recognition of doctor's title, Bern, Switzerland
Federal recognition of the title of Specialist in Ophthalmology, Bern, Switzerland
Privatdocent, University of Saarland, Homburg, Germany
Privatdocent, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
(habilitation: "Morphometry and Perfusion Analysis of the Optic Nerve Head")
Specialist in ophthalmology, Düsseldorf, Germany
Creation of theInstitute of Technology and Research in Ophthalmology ITRO(
Doctoral thesis: "Prognose bei Astrozytomen Grad III", Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cologne, Germany
Doctorate, University of Cologne, Germany
Ophthalmology and ophthalmosurgery (anterior and posterior segment) for adults and children:
Since 2006: Trainer and surgical instructor for ophthalmic surgeons in training
Glaucoma; biomorphometry of the papilla, ocular bloodflow
Institute of Technology and Research in Ophthalmology ITRO(
Books published:
Atlas of ocular blood flow, Second Edition
Harris A, Jonescu-Cuypers CP, Kagemann L, Ciulla T, Krieglstein GK.
Butterworth & Heinemann (Elsevier) 2010, ISBN-13: 978-1-4377-1737-2
Taschenatlas der peripheren Hornhauterkrankungen
Maria Severin, Christian P. Jonescu-Cuypers, Thomas S. Dietlein.
ABW Wissenschaftsverlag. 2009, ISBN 978-3-936072-97-6
Vascularabnormalities in glaucoma: from epidemiology to the clinic
Harris A., Metzner-Serra L., Rechtman E., Jonescu-Cuypers C. P., Garzozi H.
Impresse 4, Sociedade de Edicoes e Impressao Lda, Amadora, Portugal 2005.
Atlas of ocular blood flow: Vascular Anatomy, Pathophysiology, and Metabolism
Harris A, Jonescu-Cuypers CP, Kagemann L, Ciulla T, Krieglstein GK.
Butterworth & Heinemann (Elsevier) 2003, ISBN 0-7506-7368-0
Atlante di oftalmologia
Krieglstein, G.K., Jonescu-Cuypers, C.P., Severin, M.
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN: 88-470-0053-X
Atlas of Ophthalmology
Krieglstein, G.K., Jonescu-Cuypers, C.P., Severin, M.; Vobig, M.A.
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2000, ISBN: 3-540-64454-7
Optimax Augenheilkunde
G. K. Krieglstein, C. P. Jonescu-Cuypers, Maria Severin
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1999, ISBN 3-540-14699-7
Atlas der Augenheilkunde
G. K. Krieglstein, C. P. Jonescu-Cuypers, Maria Severin,
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1999, ISBN 3-540-64001-0
Associate Physician, Department of Ophthalmology, HUG, Geneva, Switzerland
Visiting Professor, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology, Local Director of the Benjamin Franklin Campus at the Charité Medical University, Berlin, Germany
Associate Physician, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Saarland, Homburg, Germany
Head of Clinic, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Cologne, Germany
Fellowship in Glaucoma, Glaucoma Research and Diagnostic Center, Indiana School of Medicine, Indianapolis, (IN) USA
Training in ophthalmology, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Cologne, Germany