Clinique de Genolier

Dr. med. Denise Lemos Schönnagel

General practitioner, member of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH)
Integrated care and support, treatment of acute and chronic pain

Areas of specialisation (2)

Contact me

Hospital (1)

Clinique de Genolier
Route du Muids 3
1272 Genolier

Work Experience

since 2017

Accredited physician in Integrated supportive and palliative care in oncology

since 2013

Head of Palliative and domestic care department, Associazione Triangolo, Lugano and Locarno: Treatment of chronic and end-of-life pain. Supportive care in oncology.


Palliative care research placement: Palliative Research Centre, Trondheim, Norway: Comparison of home-based palliative care in Orkdal (Norway) and Ticino (Switzerland)

2011 - 2012

Palliative care resident, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Lausanne, intra-hospital palliative care and end-of-life consultation


Chief anaesthesiology resident, anaesthesia in a range of surgical and intensive care settings

2008 - 2010

Project manager for creating a Paediatric pain treatment unit, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Anaesthetist, SARAH Salvador hospital for musculoskeletal rehabilitation, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, Treatment of pain and spasticity following spinal injuries; Anaesthetist at Porto Trombetas bauxite mine located in the Brazilian Amazon

2004 - 2008

Chief anaesthesia resident, Ospedale Regionale di Lugano - Civico e Italiano, Lugano: Anaesthesia for neurosurgery, ophthalmology, urology, general surgery, paediatrics and maternity

2002 - 2004

Anaesthesia resident, Centre Hospitalier de Bienne


Resident in the Anaesthesia division within the Anaesthesiology, pharmacology and intensive surgical care department, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève

2000 - 2001

Anaesthesia resident at the Hôpital Riviera, Montreux, and Emergency care resident at SMUR and Rega for medical emergencies and at the Montreux Jazz Festival

1995 - 2000

Resident in the Pain consultation department run by Prof. Muller, the Oncology department run by Prof. Bergerac, and the Anaesthesiology department run by Prof. Dupeyron and Prof. Otteni, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Hôpital Civil and Hôpital de Hautepierre, France.

Clinical research in the field of acute neuropathic pain, amputation and phantom pain; Consultation in oncology and lumbar pain; Partnership with the Neurosurgery department run by Prof. Metro, focused on implanting and maintaining Meditronic bacoflen pumps in patients with chronic spasticity following spinal injuries, as well as morphine pumps and spinal cord stimulators


  • Treatment of acute and chronic pain
  • Integrated care, supportive and palliative care, pain management in end-of-life and oncology patients
  • Organisation, risk management and quality management in anaesthesiology



Master of Sciences, second level with high-level qualification in palliative care, IRCCS, University of Milan


MEBEKO, Diplôme Suisse de Médecine


Diploma in organisation, risk management and quality management in anaesthesiology, Faculty of medicine, Paris-East Créteil University, France


Specialised training diploma in anaesthesiology, Faculty of medicine, Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg, France


Diploma in anaesthesia, Faculty of medicine, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil


Diploma in medicine, Faculty of medicine, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil


The Centre du Sein SMN has successfully renewed its national certification!

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