Hôpital de La Providence

Montserrat Permanyer

Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM, Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Auriculotherapy

Areas of specialisation (1)

Contact me

Hospital (1)
Faubourg de l'Hôpital 81
2000 Neuchâtel


Miralles RC, Permanyer M, Miralles I. Los vicios de torsión de las extremidades inferiores durante el crecimiento. Jano 1996; 1191:60-66

Miralles RC, Server F, Permanyer M, Miralles I. Análisis frontal de la marcha mediante Videofotogrametría en 3D. Oscilación del ángulo Q (Q dinámico). Rev Patol Rodilla 1996; 1:44-48

Miralles RC, Server F, Permanyer M, Miralles I. Análisis frontal de la marcha en los vicios de torsión de las extremidades inferiores durante el crecimiento. Comunicación al 9è Congreso de la Sociedad Catalana de Cirurgía Ortopédica i Traumatología (SCCOT), Igualada, mayo 1996.

Work Experience

since 2020

Since August 2020: Auriculotherapy laser

since 2019

Since November 2019: Acupuncture practice at L'Hôpital de la Providence, Neuchâtel

since 2016

Since 9 May 2016: Established as a group medical practice in Fleurier, Commune of Val-de-Travers, Switzerland.

General Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy and Moxibustion, Orthomolecular Therapy (Active Cellular Nutrition): Trace elements, Vitamins, Minerals, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Antioxidants and Amino Acids, Phytotherapy, Homeopathy, Bach Flower Remedies, Schüssler Salts, Energy Therapies such as Reiki, Arqromerterapia : Psychophysical therapeutic technique based on the combination of therapy with chromotherapy, magnetotherapy, archetypes and kinesiological touch, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in Arqromerterapia: Consists of releasing the restrictions of anatomical structures, tissues... and restoring the movement of body fluids and energy.

2014 - 2016

1 August 2014 - 30 April 2016: General practitioner in the village of Gandelu (Picardie) France

2012 - 2014

Owner and manager of "l'Espigol": Food supplements shop (trace elements, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, etc.), Bach flowers, Schüssler salts, herbalism, organic products, food and natural cosmetics.

2004 - 2014

September 2004 - May 2014

General Medicine and Complementary Therapies (Acupuncture...), in Calders and Sant Feliu de Codines (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain): practising prevention and treatment of all pathologies.

2003 - 2004

September 2003 - July 2004

Emergency doctor at home: For the private medical assistance mutual. Asistencia Sanitaria Colegial - SCIASS''.

2002 - 2003

January 2002 - July 2003

Medical assistance for accidents at work and occupational illnesses, in regional mutual insurance companies. In a medical practice

1997 - 2001

February 1997 - December 2001

Doctor working in different departments of the same company "NEXPREVENCION - SADES S.L" in Barcelona.

- Assessment of bodily injury: In traffic accidents and accidents at work.

- Annual medical check-ups for workers and sportspeople. (Medical certificate of fitness).

- Control of sick leave (Absenteeism at work).

- Senior Technician in Ergonomics and Psychosociology


February 1996 - December 1996

Biomechanics and Ergonomics Research Assistant at Texas A&M International University, Laredo, TEXAS, U.S.A.

Physician Observer at Mercy Regional Medical Center Hospital, Laredo, Texas, U.S.A., from July to December 1996

1995 - 1996

January 1995 - January 1996

Medical Investigator in the Biomechanics Laboratory "CEDIA S.L" of the prosthesis manufacturer "Trayber S.A. Reus (Catalonia)

1992 - 1994

September 1992 - December 1994

General practitioner in various villages in Catalonia

1991 - 1992

October 1991 - July 1992

Doctor at the Sant Joan de Reus University Hospital (Catalonia) in the Surgery-Traumatology-Orthopaedics Department



Sports acupuncture. (16h)


"Basic Battlefield Acupuncture" and "Advanced Battlefield Acupuncture Protocols & Clinical Pearls" (16h)


Certificate of Advanced Course in French Auriculotherapy from Nogier, Barcelona


Diploma from the Professional Training Course in Laser Therapy, Barcelona

2018 - 2019

Distal acupuncture for pain management. Barcelona, November 2018 to March 2019. (45 h.)

2018 - 2019

Distal acupuncture and internal imbalances. Barcelona, December 2018 to April 2019. (45 h.)


Postgraduate Diploma (ISFM) Practitioner's Laboratory. Collège de Médecine de Premier Recours (CMPR). Fribourg, 19.01.2018


Training in traffic medicine. Modules 1 to 3 for level 1 doctors. Swiss Society of Forensic Medicine SSML. 27.09.2018. Grangeneuve, Fribourg. Continuing education 7 credits

2017 - 2018

Si Yuan International Balance Method Acupuncture. "Core Foundations Track" and "Parcours Avancé" training. Paris 2017 and 2018


Sports medicine for practitioners. Dr Alain Rostan. Villars-sur-Ollon. 8 hours of training. 1-2 September 2017


Intra-articular inflammations of peripheral joints. CHUV Rheumatology Department, 2.5 credits, 31.08.2017


Continuing education in General Internal Medicine & Update Refresher. Lausanne, since 2016


Course in CRANE-SACRAL OSTÉOPATHIE en Arqromerterapia. Barcelona (48-hour course). May 2013 - July 2013

2003 - 2013

Continuing Education Studies in Acupuncture. Collegiate Section of Acupuncturists of the Official College of Physicians of Barcelona / University of Barcelona.

Among others:

  • Acupuncture during pregnancy, 18.10.2003 (8 hours)
  • Headaches, 29.01.2005 (5 hours)
  • Dermatology and cosmetics in acupuncture, 16 and 17 December 2005 (13 hours)
  • Smoking cessation techniques in auriculotherapy, 03.02.2007 (4 hours)
  • Therapeutic strategies for emotional disturbances, 09.11.2013 (9 hours)
2011 - 2012

Diploma in ARQROMERTERAPIA. Psychophysical therapeutic technique based on the combination of archetypal therapy, chromotherapy, magnetotherapy and kinesiological touch. Barcelona. September 2011 -September 2012

2011 - 2012

SPECIALIST in ACTIVE CELLULAR NUTRITION. Specific diploma from the Institute of Active Cellular Nutrition and the A.F.M.O (Association Française de Médecine Orthomoléculaire). (600 hours of courses). Barcelona. September 2011 - November 2012

2003 - 2008

Continuing education studies in homeopathy. Academic Homeopathic Medicine of Barcelona/ University of Barcelona

2006 - 2007

The three levels of REIKI (the USUI system of natural healing), Barcelona

2003 - 2006

MASTER in ACUPUNCTURE. Collegiate Section of Acupuncturists of the Official College of Physicians of Barcelona / University of Barcelona (550 hours of tuition). September 2003 - June 2006

2002 - 2004

Postgraduate Diploma in HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE. Academic Homeopathic Medicine of Barcelona/ University of Barcelona (428 hours). September 2002 - June 2004


Diploma in EXTRA-HOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE. Official College of Physicians of Barcelona (75 hours). February 2001 - May 2001

1997 - 1999

MASTER in PREVENTION OF RISKS IN THE WORKPLACE, specialising in ERGONOMICS and APPLIED PSYCHOSOCIOLOGY. Polytechnic University of Barcelona (600 hours). September 1997 - June 1999




Degree in Medicine and Surgery. University of Barcelona

Doctors with this specialisation

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Xundheitszentrum Buttisholz

Med. pract. Hans Peter Mitteregger

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Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Dr. med. Hong-Guang Dong

Acupuncture, Tai-Chi, Massage Tui-Na / An-Mo,
Schmerzklinik Basel

Christian Rütti

Traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture
Clinica Sant'Anna

Sara Legnani

Schmerzklinik Basel

Dr. med. Svetlana Lunde

Psychiatry and psychotherapy, Sports medicine, Acupuncture