Clinique Montbrillant

Dr. med. Harry Roux

Specialist in ophthalmology, specialising in ophthalmic surgery, member FMH

Areas of specialisation (1)

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Hospital (1)

Clinique Montbrillant
Rue de la Montagne 1
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds


Dr Roux grew up and studied in La Chaux-de-Fonds. After his first year of medicine in Neuchâtel, he continued his studies in Geneva and obtained his medical degree in 2001. He spent two years practising internal medicine in a cardiovascular rehabilitation clinic in Gland and in various medical departments at Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), and almost a year in pharmacovigilance at a pharmaceutical company. In 2004, he was offered an internship in ophthalmology at the HUG.

He passed his European Board of Ophthalmology in 2008 in Paris. In 2009 he was awarded a grant from the Fondation Castier (Geneva) for a two-year clinical fellowship in New York (Department of Ophthalmology, Vitreoretina Unit, Weill Cornell Medical College). In 2012, he obtained the title of FMH specialist in ophthalmology. Since 2011, he has been pursuing surgical training as head of clinic in the vitreoretina unit of the ophthalmology department at Geneva University Hospitals. Since 2006, he has also been working on a voluntary basis with the T.E.S (Teaching Eye Surgery) Foundation - Geneva, a humanitarian foundation dedicated to training and teaching cataract surgery, corneal transplants and retinal pathologies (particularly diabetic retinopathy) in Mauritius. In January 2014, he obtained an inter-university diploma (DIU, France) in Retina-Vitreous Surgical Pathology. At the end of 2014, he was awarded the post-graduate diploma in ophthalmic surgery by the FMH after completing an in-depth training course.

In March 2015, he moved to the Montbrillant clinic in La Chaux-de-Fonds to work as an ophthalmologist specialising in general ophthalmology and surgery, with a particular focus on retinal disorders.

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