Clinique Générale-Beaulieu

Dr. med. Gilles Genin

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Hospital (1)

Clinique Générale-Beaulieu
Chemin de Beau-Soleil 20
1206 Genève


Dr Gilles Genin obtained his doctorate in medicine in 1986. In 1990, he obtained a Master's degree in Anatomy, a Specialisation in Radiology and a Diplôme d'études approfondies (DEA) in Biological and Medical Engineering. For twelve years, he devoted himself mainly to teaching and digestive radiology at the University Centres of Lyon (France). He then spent a year as an Invited Professor at McGill University in Montreal. He spent the next thirteen years at the Radiology Department of the Centre Hospitalier d'Annecy as Head of Service. Dr Gilles Genin has published seven books on radiology: Imagerie du polytraumatisé (1993, Ed. Masson), Imagerie du foie, des voies biliaires et du pancréas (1994), Imagerie du tube digestif et du péritoine (1994, Ed. Masson), Radio-anatomie des tumeurs cérébrales (1996, Lab. Guerbet), Dictionnaire radioclinique (2001, 900 pages, Ed. Springer-Verlag, Hermann Fischgold prize), Les syndromes en médecine (2005, 1600 pages, Ed. Sauramps) and Anomalies osseuses constitutionnelles (2008, 800 pages, Ed. Sauramps, Hermann Fischgold prize 2009). He joined the Radiology Institute of the Clinique Générale-Beaulieu in 2009, mainly to contribute to neurological and digestive imaging. At the same time, he continues to work in paediatrics at INSERM's Necker Hospital in Paris, focusing on constitutional bone diseases, and as part of a digestive tract disease imaging research group (GERMAD).


Dr Genin has recently published a new book on thoracic CT in 2020, which has been awarded a new Hermann Fischgold prize.

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