News / Events

Our network of clinics and centres offer a multitude of news and events all around the year to various topics. Here you can find the most recent activities of the Swiss Medical Network. Stay connected!

Congratulations to Dr. Muto for passing the ENMG exam!

Le projet d'hospitalisation à domicile lauréat du prix santeneXt 2024

Rapport annuel du Réseau de l'Arc

L’univers captivant de la neurologie : une spécialité souvent méconnue mais fascinante

Grande successo per l'evento pubblico InSalute “Mal di schiena: da cosa dipende e come curarlo”

Our network celebrates its 10th anniversary

Diving into the Future of Health

Devant l'Euro et les JO, n'oubliez pas de bouger vous aussi!

Inclusione al lavoro: l'esperienza di Elisabetta

A look at the first Swiss Medical Network Partner Day

Welcome to Doctor Corina Staneschi

Podcast: Wunderwerk Speichel